Archive | May, 2013

Manchester is booked :D

26 May

Apparently my blog posts are like buses, there aren’t any for ages and then they all come at once!

We have officially booked Manchester  for our first proper Disney meet up. At the moment there are 10 of us who are going so we’ve booked 2 gorgeous apartments (an 8 bed and 2 bed).

Ashleigh and I booked our flights on Friday and Katherine booked the apartment for us on Saturday 🙂 It’s so exciting.

It’s strange in  a weird way, out of the group of people going I have only met Kathryn and it was for literally 5 minutes but I’m not nervous or scared about going, it’s all excitement. Everyone seems so lovely and it should be a fab few days.

Roll on July!


I’m officially not a criminal!

21 May

Well, I’ve been pretty quiet the past few weeks as nothing much (Disney wise) has been happening, work wise and life wise it has been hectic!

Work wise, I’ve been writing reports, taking assembly and trying to organise my class in preparation for online testing. Life wise, I’ve been saving to go to my friend’s hen do in Portugal. Disney wise, I sent off my CRB form.

On Sunday, I arrived home from Portugal  to find my CRB form waiting for me and it has now been confirmed I’m a law abiding citizen….always good to know 🙂

In other Disney news the lovelies on Facebook have all be trying to arrange a meet up, everyone has booked the dates off work and so it looks like we’re going to Manchester in July for a couple of nights to get to know each other 🙂 Exciting times!